PageQ is a page capture, record and relay application that can be activated within the FireQ software. It is an application that can listen for your pager alerts and automatically send them to firefighters. It behaves just like a pager in that it listens to the radio frequency which broadcasts your pager tones/alerts. PageQ is configured to monitor and listen to the radio frequency that broadcasts your pager alerts. When your tones are detected, PageQ records the audio message that follows the tones.
Firefighters receive the emergency alert within the FireQ app (playable); via text with a link to an audio recording of the original page; and via email…all of which allow a firefighter to replay the audio again, if needed. They can also receive a phone call in which a recording of the page audio is played.

PageQ Lite
Coming Soon
FireQ Reporting Portal
The FireQ reporting Portal is a web application that allows firefighters to access and edit the logs and reports features of their FireQ system.
Coming Soon
FireQ Dispatch Module
The FIREQ Dispatch Module (FQDM) is a web application that can be accessed from any internet-enabled device. The complete list of fire departments serviced by the dispatch center are pre-populated. It can be used to send the following types of messages:
1.) Dispatch message – Intended for a “all call out” only option to take advantage of the phone call feature. Text, email and phone to all members
2.) Stand down message – Send a stand down text/ email only to the Duty Officers in your system
3.) General message to all firefighters in a department – Send alert to all member via text and email (no phone call)
4.) Message just to responding members – Text/ Email to only members listed in your FireQ responders list
5.) Messages to just the duty officers – Text/email only to Duty Officers list in your FireQ
The FQDM can be used to supplement the existing pager network and to extend its range.