Breton SmarTek

The 6 Best Things About CareQ

CAREQ is an emergency communication system that allows care administrators to easily and effectively manage communications in the event of a facility emergency. It gives a voice the emergency response plans care facilities have in place.

CareQ is a long term care software solution that allows care administrators to easily and effectively manage communications in the event of a facility emergency.  It gives a voice the emergency response plans care facilities have in place.  For a few reasons, it is one of the best tools a care administrator can have.

1. You don’t need a specialized IT time to manage and use it. Sending a message to staff with CAREQ is as easy as sending a text or an email.  Simply decide who you want to receive it, whether or not you want a response, type the message and click the send button.

2. Building customized groups lets you send more targeted messaging. You can group staff by the jobs that they; by how far they live from the facility; or by any other criteria that makes sense for the emergency plan you have in place.  You can have a group with just your management team and another for your governing board.


3. You can prepare your messages ahead of time. In advance, you can craft messaging for any emergency situation you could face; you can decide what that message should say; you can determine to whom it should be sent; and you can decide whether or not a response is needed. Preparing messages ahead of time ensures that you don’t have to spend time figuring out what to say and to whom to say it. You simply select the appropriate message and get it out there.


4. Post-mortem analysis of incident response is more efficient. Communications and the responses they generate all time/date stamped so you can see easily what the response was and the time it took to generate.


5. You can also use CAREQ to share facility information with the families of you residents. Imagine, during a flu-related facility closure you could send a single message to all your family members that they could receive either by text or by phone.


6. Be ready for anything!

Welcome to CareQ

Communication and long-term care facility emergency planning and preparedness software to help care-givers be ready for anything.


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