A Complete Solution for Fire Department & Incident Management
FireQ provides everything the firefighter needs – in one place. Incident reporting and records management (RMS) from the FireQ software. Integrated incident management and data capture from the FireQ app.

Our Software Solutions Help Emergency Responders With
FireQ offers a more complete and efficient approach to meeting the needs of fire departments and eliminating the need for multiple components or systems to be integrated separately.
(In the IT world, they call it an end-to-end solution.)
The FireQ app provides emergency response and incident management support while the FireQ records management modules (RMS) provide support for collecting and managing the data needed to run the fire department.
Be better prepared in the event of an emergency with personnel and equipment tracking, letting managers focus on planning and preparation while responders can focus on arriving safely.
Redundancy for pagers ensures that more firefighters receive emergency alerts. FireQ provides multiple dispatch options, including CAD support, page relay and self-dispatch options.
Multiple channels of communication (text, in-app notification, phone and email) to share dispatch information and let firefighters respond quickly and easily.
Use the data you generate and collect to monitor department performance. Robust records management lets you create & share reports with internal and external stakeholders.
It is a powerful tool that servers firefighters and incident commanders with:
Life Cycle of an Incident
911 receives a call reporting a structure fire.
The fire department is toned out.
Regardless of how the department is dispatched, FireQ supplements the page with text, phone call, and/or email.
Firefighters use the FireQ app to respond, automatically adding their names to the incident report.
The Incident Commander begins the work of evaluating the scene, capturing relevant benchmark data with the FireQ app.
The attack begins and entry teams gain entry, and the Incident Commander monitors the time using FireQ benchmarks. Benchmark data is automatically included in the incident report.
The fire is contained, the firefighters return to the fire station, and the incident is closed on the FireQ app.
Firefighters are automatically credited with the hours spent on scene.
The automatically generated incident report is completed and filed.
Latest News & Updates

FireQ Benchmarks: Measuring Success
The philosopher Francis Bacon told us that ‘knowledge is power’. This is especially true for firefighters where success and failure

The FireQ App for iPhone Just Keeps Getting Better and Better
Wondering how it could get any better? The latest release for iPhone includes some juicy new features, so hold onto your hat

Why It Is Not Enough Just to Make Safety Pre-plans
Creating safety pre-plans is a powerful tool in the public safety toolbox. Ensuring firefighters have quick and ready access to them is equally important.

Records Management for the Community Fire Department Part 2:
Human Resources Management
One of the best features of the FireQ fire department software is the ability to easily track firefighter and fire department activities and hours.