In the year 2000, Google began selling words for the purpose of making people click on the ads that contain those words. In the 20 years that have passed since then, data has become king. How data is collected…and used…can make or break an organization. This includes fire departments.
For fire departments, data can save lives and property. Because firefighters do dangerous work, most have been in situations that can (and sometimes do) become uncontrollable. Knowing how long it takes them to arrive on scene, or how long it takes to get a wetting agent applied, or how long firefighters have been in a burning building is critical. More importantly, this data needs to be available to the Fire Chief…the guy responsible for ensuring that firefighters are as prepared as they can be for situations that can go from controlled to dangerous.
Like elite athletes, firefighters train hard and they train regularly. They compete against themselves each time they train, each time they respond. FireQ benchmarks help firefighters measure their own performance and success at each stage of an emergency response. Data is collected and measured at the department level…quickly and easily.
FireQ Benchmarks – How They Work
FireQ benchmarks helps firefighters to measure success. Firefighters can time-date stamp important milestones of an emergency response, as well as include which firefighters and which apparatus participated in each task. More importantly, it can be done in three simple steps:- During an active incident, a benchmark button is available on the home screen of the FireQ app.
- A complete list of the benchmarks is visible to all firefighters.
- Firefighters with the appropriate permissions, tap the benchmark to start a timer, mark the task complete, or tag specific apparatus and firefighter.