Page Capture & Dispatch Relay

Free 2-Month FireQ Trial
Learn why thousands of firefighters choose FireQ as their fire station management software.


Group Paging

Heartbeat Feature

Multiple Tones

Enjoy the Benefits
- Plug-and-play simplicity
- No specialized equipment
- Faster with slower network speeds
- True-type text messages, calls + more
Dispatch Relay Options
Instant Notification, Instant Response
How PageQ Dispatch Relay Helps Fire Departments
As the chief of your fire department, you’ve built redundancy into all the tasks and procedures that guide your operations... Except for how you alert your first responders about an emergency.
You rely on VHF pagers, which are limited in range and often forgotten at home. Plus, they’re one-way only, which means you can’t signal that you’re on your way.
PageQ offers you complete redundancy by simultaneously relaying your incident information to firefighters by text, phone, email, and push notifications. PageQ was designed to adapt to the specific needs and resources of every fire department, whether your department does its own dispatching or you’re dispatched directly from CAD.
Even if your dispatcher’s CAD system transmits information by radio only, PageQ has your back with its tone detection page, record, and relay solution. When a page is dispatched to your department, PageQ captures, processes and records it, then sends it to your firefighters within the FireQ app, as well as by text, phone and email. FireQ offers more communication paths because each additional communication channel ensures successful delivery, which increases turnout.
Once they’ve received the incident details, firefighters can signal their intent to respond using the same app or the same device where they received the emergency alert.
The PageQ Process

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Step Four
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Satisfied Client Testimonials
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